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This section contains links to a variety of materials and resources related to the topics of the publishing house.

Something was discovered by chance, and it would be great if this list contributed more fruitfulness of your studies and activities, and they themselves would require less search work.

If you feel like you have something to add to the list, please write to the publisher.

Let’s share! Those who transmit knowledge live forever.  (As soon as the publisher remembers the author of these words, s/he will be mentioned.)

The website of the “artistic publishing house” and design studio “Dirizhabl” located in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. The head of the organisation is Evgeny Strelkov, who actively participates in various roles in the artist’s book movement and contemporary art. Included here are “Dirizhabl”-related materials –– the issues of the eponymous almanac, publications, documentation of art projects –– as well as materials of samizdat publishing house “Alcool” of Andrei Suzdalev and a section, dense with information, entitled “Artist’s book”. Extremely interesting animation works of Strelkov and Suzdalev’s art and educational project “The Small Theory of Everything or The Art of Knowing” are here: The site is in Russian and English, the “YouTube” channel is in Russian.

“Traugotovskie chteniya”([“Traugot Readings”]; Saint Petersburg, Russia, since 2011) is the only research project, dedicated to the book graphics in Russia and in the world and to the culture of illustrated book as a whole. The program consists of the annual scientific and practical conference, materials of which are published, and one or more displays. This is the initiative of enthusiasts that was supported by the state. Mikhail Karasik was one of the six members of conference organizing committee (in Russian).

Catalogue of the Albert Lemmens and Serge-Aljosja Stommels collection (LS collection) as a part of the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, the Netherlands // Official website of the Van Abbemuseum.

Official site of the (exemplary!) book collection of Irina and Aleksandr Lvovskie (Saint Petersburg; in Russian).

«ГОСКАТАЛОГ.РФ» [“GOSKATALOG.RF”]: the official website of the State catalogue of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation. By mid-November 2019, collections of 2288 Russian museums ( from about 2700 are represented here, and their amount is constantly growing (in Russian).

Official site of the project “Issledovanie auditorii sovremennogo iskusstva v krupnyx gorodax Rossii” [“Research of the Contemporary Art Audience in Large Cities of Russia”]. By its results was published a book “Chto-to novoe i neobychnoe / Something New and Extraordinary” (editor-in-chief Alisa Prudnikova, Moscow, Ekaterinburg (sic!), 2018; in Russian and English). Here you can also order the book for free! Or download it, for example, on “Academia”. (“Artauditoria” is in Russian, “Academia” is in English).

Portal of “a community for creators of remarkable works”, where mostly books and text products are published and bought/sold. Access to the pdf-versions of the artists’ books is available after registration. For instance, you can freely download the works of American artist and photographer Clifton Meador, several of which inspired by a visit to Russia. (The site uses Dutch, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.)

General catalog or “corporate network of public libraries of Saint Petersburg”. This is a very convenient resource for searching, and a reader with local registration can borrow almost everything (in Russian).

Portal devoted to the artist’s book by British actors of the genre Sarah Bodman and Tom Sowden under the auspices of the Centre for Fine Print Research of the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, United Kingdom. Publications about the artist’s book can be found in the publishing house “Impact Press” section of the UWE online store:

“KVK — Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog” integrates library and bookselling catalogues from all over the world (there are English and German versions).

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